This free application converts any SWF flash movie file into an executable Windows exe file [SWF 2 EXE]. The created flash projector executable can have no standard windows border and supports translucency.
Several fscommand() and functions are available for advanced features. See the FAQ for all available functions.
Create automatically autorun.inf for CD-ROM autostart function.
Set your own application icon for a distinct look.
A JPG file as a splash screen can be shown.

Your personal vCard
Download the flash project, adjust the text in the last frame and simple action script in the first frame.
Then convert the SWF file into an exe application with FlashBuilder.

Advanced FSCommand functions
For a full list, please see the FAQ.
executes a file which is in the same directory as the executable
fscommand("set_title","Window Title");
sets the window title
exit the flash
fscommand("position","100x200 300x400");
set position and size, ommit second part if no resize is needed

Irregular windows size
The window can have any shape. Even animated shapes are supported. You can also add a shadow.
You can Download the sample project.
You don’t need to have a paypal account in order to make a donation.
Install using package managers:
winget install --id the-sz.FlashBuilder -e --forcecontent_copychoco install flashbuilder.install -y --ignore-checksumcontent_copy
Supported Languages:

Supported Operating Systems:
Command line options of FlashBuilder:
/i <icon.ico> | specify optional icon file |
/s <splash.jpg> | specify optional splash screen picture |
/a | create autorun.inf |
/w | create white background |
<file.swf> | input file name |
Command line options of created application:
/UseFlashContextMenu | right click will show original flash context menu |