Chat with other local users. Share files, links and you clipboard content seamlessly with others.
No internet connection is needed. Your messages are not leaving your local network.
It is possible to send messages even if the other user is offline. For users which are currently offline, the message can be stored on an FTP server.
A built-in HTTP server can be used to share pictures and other files.
You can create a fixed user which can be located in another subnet. This user can act as a gateway that connects both NetChat subnets together.

The program creates a icon near the clock in your taskbar.With a mouse click you can chat, send your clipboard or transfer a file.

No Server needed
You don’t need any server. All users are automatically detected.
Do you like the software? Make a Donation!
You don’t need to have a paypal account in order to make a donation.
You don’t need to have a paypal account in order to make a donation.
Do you have questions? Check the FAQ.
Do you need additional features or would you like to help with the translation? Send a Mail!
Install using package manager:
winget install --id the-sz.NetChat -e --forcecontent_copySupported Languages:

Supported Operating Systems:
Screenshot – Chat Window:

Screenshot – User List:

Screenshot – Options:

Screenshot – More Options: