Screen Resolution Settings Locationlink
All settings are stored in the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CompSoft\Carroll.
There is each a 32 bit DWORD value for BPP, Width, Height and Frequency. If more than one monitor is present, there are subkeys ‘Monitor x’ and the same values again.
There is each a 32 bit DWORD value for BPP, Width, Height and Frequency. If more than one monitor is present, there are subkeys ‘Monitor x’ and the same values again.
Command Line Optionslink
/OnlySet | Set the video mode only, don’t show the user interface |
/OnlyMonitor <0> | Change only the specified monitor |
/Resolution "<width>x<height> <color deep> <refresh rate>" | Example: /Resolution "1024x768 32 60" |
/NoTerminalSession | Application exits after setting the resolution, don’t keep it running to handle user switching |
/Recommended | Use highest resolution |
/UseStoredResolutionIfPossible | Try to use first the stored resolution, if not available use /Resolution option |
/Position "<x> <y>" | Set monitor position, to change primary monitor, set the secondary monitor to position not 0x0 |
/IsPrimary | Set this monitor as primary monitor |
/l <language code> | Change user interface language to specified 2 letter language code |
Application download linkslink
Instead of the Setup, you can also download the application directly:
Carroll.exe 32-Bit Version
Carroll.exe 64-Bit Version
Carroll.exe 32-Bit Version
Carroll.exe 64-Bit Version