This viewer shows you all Services, Characteristics & Descriptors and their details of Bluetooth Low Energy / BLE / Bluetooth Smart devices.

Bedford can use the native Windows 8 / Windows 10 API to access Bluetooth Smart devices.
Before Windows 10 Version 1703 you must first pair the device in the Bluetooth Settings of Windows.

Further, Bluegiga BLED112, nRF52840 Dongle, STM32WB55 and Texas Instruments CC2540/41 based adapters like Sensor Tag Development Kit are also supported. There is no need for pairing. These adapters are supported on all Windows versions.



See all characteristic strings of Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
It’s also shown whether the characteristics are Readable, Writeable or supports Notification.
Version 1.19 · · 303kb · VirusTotal Report
New: Bluetooth Low Energy scanning improved History
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Install using package managers:

winget install --id the-sz.Bedford -e --forcecontent_copy
choco install bedford.portable -y --ignore-checksumcontent_copy

Supported Languages:

English English
French French
German German

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 Windows 11
Windows 10 Windows 10
Windows 8 Windows 8
Windows Server Windows Server

Services, Characteristics & Descriptors and their details of a Bluetooth Low Energy device: