2.18 |
Thai translation added
2.17 |
Spanish translation added
2.16 |
Japanese translation added
2.15 |
Improved filtering with column name, more details on overview tab
2.14 |
Channel Utilisation Rssi graph color inverted
2.13 |
Channel Utilisation tab addded, 6GHz IEEE 802.11be support improved, Filtering improved
2.12 |
Chinese translations updated, Group-By-MAC-Address improved, oui.txt supports 6 bytes addresses too
2.11 |
Channel width display improved
2.10 |
MU-MIMO detection added
2.09 |
Grouping by MAC addresses added, oui.txt loading working again and 28 + 36 bit support for oui.txt added
2.08 |
New stream count column, Per-Monitor DPI support added
2.07 |
Locally administered mac address are shown in gray
2.06 |
Crash prevented
2.05 |
SSID and Access Point Name clearly separated and added to Log files
2.04 |
Korean added, Slovenian improved, Log file headers improved
2.03 |
6GHz support added
2.02 |
Frequency Usage Chart colors improved
2.01 |
MAC Address Vendor detection improved, IE DFS dump added
2.00 |
New column: Station Count, Channel Utilization shown in Info column
1.99 |
Password field is using asterix now
1.98 |
Allow multiple selection of access points to copy values, command line option to load and save all access points as csv file
1.97 |
Locate by Wigle working again
1.96 |
Italian translation added
1.95 |
Slovenian added
1.94 |
802.11ax support improved
1.93 |
/gps_baud_rate command line option added
1.92 |
Currently connected AP icon behaviour fixed
1.91 |
Log all rssi values down to graph min value
1.90 |
Frequency usage chart improved, load APs from CSV added
1.89 |
Press space key to deselect current AP, Specification column added, Frequency usage chart channel list updated, Log files are now UTF8
1.88 |
OWE encryption added
1.87 |
160 MHz channel detection improved
1.86 |
Norwegian translation added, Dot-chart improved
1.85 |
Access point details dialog added
1.84 |
Filter improved, play sound if filter matches an access point
1.83 |
Frequency Usage Charts supports filtering now, Memory and CPU usage optimized
1.82 |
Connect / Disconnect command line option added
1.81 |
Signal Quality column added
1.80 |
Channel width column added
1.79 |
Recommended channel logic improved
1.78 |
French translations updated
1.77 |
Log File Names contain date/time now, CSV is better formatted
1.76 |
Sorting improved, support for < and > signal strength in search filter added
1.75 |
Status column added
1.74 |
Note shown in graph and log, MAC vendor detection improved with help from Juergen
1.73 |
Polish translation added by https://pao1m2.wixsite.com/translator
1.72 |
New command line option to append to existing log instead of deletion
1.71 |
Highlight selected AP in graph
1.70 |
Channel added to log file, /i /h command line options added for minimize to system tray
1.69 |
/m command line option fixed
1.68 |
High DPI support improved, Command line option for unix time stamp added
1.67 |
Command line option to filter output added
1.66 |
High contrast mode improved
1.65 |
faster download of oui.txt, minor user interface fixes
1.64 |
More vendor names shown for MAC addresses, sorting fixed, frequency graph usage fixed
1.63 |
Signal graph fixed
1.62 |
Stability improved
1.61 |
Vendor and SSID strings in log file are now in quotation marks
1.60 |
Russian and Ukrainian translation added by www.everycloudtech.com, Greek improved
1.59 |
Notes for each access point now possible, signal graph can be drawn as lines or with dots
1.58 |
5GHz 80/160MHz info added, Channel usage supports 5GHz now, Connect to WPA Enterprise support added
1.57 |
/s and /m now support comma separated list of access points
1.56 |
Frequency usage tab added
1.55 |
wigle.net is working again to locate access points
1.54 |
Swedish translation added
1.53 |
Brazilian translation added
1.52 |
enabled WPS is displayed now
1.51 |
Log contains now network card vendor too
1.50 |
Windows XP Access Point names fixed
1.49 |
Open WLAN Map geolocate added, GPS NMEA support added, new command line options added
1.48 |
Mozilla geolocate working again, Locate by WiGLE added
1.47 |
Location map shows accuracy too
1.46 |
Greek translation added
1.45 |
Mozilla Location Service working again, Portable mode again improved
1.44 |
Portable mode improved
1.43 |
Chinese translation added
1.42 |
French translation added
1.41 |
Remove Access Point context menu option added
1.40 |
Locate yourself using Google Geolocation and Mozilla Location Service
1.39 |
if portable.dat file is present, portable mode is used
1.38 |
Portable version feature added, Signal graph is shown for each access point
1.37 |
Enable / Disable adapters, connect to not-broadcasting ap working, better multiple ap with same name support
1.36 |
Multiple wlan adapter better supported